$197.00 USD

Every month

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Kajabi Lab - LIVE

4 Hours Every week

Bring your Kajabi Project and work on it with LIVE expert support.

Tuesdays and Thursdays
9 - 11am Pacific

4 hours of dedicated block time to get your Kajabi project done. Show up and work on your project. Ask for support when needed.

  • Discuss strategies and specific projects for using Kajabi most effectively in your business
  • Discuss how to apply Kajabi features to accomplish your specific project
  • Answer your specific "how do I do this" in Kajabi questions

60 Minutes of Private Coaching Sessions Every Month

Get individual help when you need it between group lab sessions. These can be any mix of brief questions or longer strategy sessions, or longer hands-on skills training.

Don't get stuck in when you're working on your Kajabi project between weekly lab sessions. Reach out for quick timely support during the month when you need it.

 Private Community Support

  • Get ongoing support in our private Kajabi Lab online Community


  • Build Your Online Business Faster: 5 Essential Steps to Avoid Overwhelm (video series with worksheets)
    • Engage Your Audience
    • Design A Customer Journey
    • Select Your Systems
    • Build Online Assets
    • Implement from "Back to Front"
  • Introducing "Online Business Success for Thought Leaders" (online course)
    • Full PDF Download of my Book
    • Video summaries of the book with worksheets
    • Six podcast interview series about the book

What You Can Expect:

“Finally! A system that has the exact steps to follow to create success! ...you build your system tactically, one piece at a time. Each piece satisfies a specific short-term business goal. And each goal is a step toward achieving a clear, long-term strategy. ...His book is a great investment and will save you tons of time, effort, and headaches.”

Diane Halfman, Consultant, Trainer, Speaker, and Host of the Live Your SPAlife podcast.

“Tom had the right background for what I needed. We had parallel IT paths, and we had learned from many of the same gurus through what he calls ‘Internet Marketing Grad School.’ Tom wanted this to be a ‘roadmap,’ but it has so many layers it’s more like a travel companion and handbook for building a business infrastructure without spending a fortune. He’s a generous person, a great listener and coach. Most importantly, his stuff actually works. Take my word for it.”

Paul O Olson, Dr. Psych, MBA, Owner/Chairman of Nordic Heads, and Executive Director of Green Mentors™

“If it weren’t for Tom Teague’s skillful expertise in intricate website building, I would not have the business I have today. He took a complex platform and simplified it for me so I could manage it independently. His training provided me the support I needed while building out online programs and virtual events. Thanks to Tom I have become empowered in streamlining my business to reach more people!”

Christine Gail, Best-Selling Author of Unleash Your Rising, Book Publishing Coach